Posted in 2018
Personal Branding
- 25 December 2018
- Management
To be a great technical expert, you do not only do exceptional technical work, and also exceptional job to let people see your skills.
AI for Smart Cities
- 07 December 2018
- ComputerScience
I had the honer to give an ‘AI for Smart Cities’ presentation in ‘Big Data & AI Asia’ conference Dec 5. The conference was hold in Suntec and it was a big event around hundreds people participated.
Node.js Basics
- 11 August 2018
- ComputerScience
Recently, I used Node.js quite a lot to handle personal projects. It is easy to start, and also easy to get wrong. This blog covers the basics part of Node.js development.
Authentication & Authorization Basic
- 14 March 2018
- ComputerScience
Authentication and Authorization are two relevant but different concepts, which causes confusion sometimes. Both of them are important for SaaS solution. This blog explains the basic of these two concepts.
Microservices Introduction
- 07 March 2018
- ComputerScience
Microservice is a software architecture style, in which complex applications are composed of small, autonomous process communicating with each other using language-agnostic API, which is a very common cloud pattern.
Blockchain Scenario
- 26 February 2018
- ComputerScience
This blog explain the potential scenarios of blockchain usage. The content comes from good articles on web.
Https Explainations
- 24 January 2018
- ComputerScience
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a safer version of HTTP, which is the communications protocol of the World Wide Web. An HTTPS session is encrypted using either the SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer) or TLS protocol (Transport Layer Security) and offers protection against “eavesdropping” and that any change in the transmitted data.
The Personal MBA
- 22 January 2018
- Management
This blog contains the booknotes of the book “The Personal MBA”.
Cryptography Introduction (with .NET code example)
- 07 January 2018
- ComputerScience
Cryptography is the core part of security, this blog introduces the basic concepts in cryptography and uses .NET as code example.
Docker Introduction
- 04 January 2018
- ComputerScience
Docker is the world’s leading software containerization platform. Docker/container technology becomes more and more popular these days. This blog introduces the basic concept of the above technology.