Kotter-Binwei Change Model

“Change is the only constant.” – Heraclitus, Greek philosopher. Kotter 8-step change model will help you to implement changes powerfully and successfully. In addition, Binwei adds 2 more steps to help you figure out whether you are doing the right changes. To implement right changes is even more important in the current changing world.

Kotter 8-step change model

  • Step 1: Create Urgency

  • Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition

  • Step 3: Create a Vision for Change

  • Step 4: Communicate the Vision

  • Step 5: Remove Obstacles

  • Step 6: Create Short-term Wins

  • Step 7: Build on the Change

  • Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture

The above 8 steps will help you to implement the changes in the corporation. You can find a lot of content from internet.

Binwei 2 more steps

It will cause huge damage to the corporation if wrong changes are implemented. Kotter’s change model does not touch that.

Under the name of ‘innovation’, it is easy that wrong changes be accepted and implemented. If the changes are wrong, then they are ‘poison’ rather than ‘innovation’. Wrong changes need to be removed or stopped as soon as possible.

Set meaningful measurement

Changes shall be meaningful. They need to bring value to your customer, they need to improve corporation efficiency.

If you cannot find meaningful measurement for your changes, which may mean your changes are meaningless or even harmful.

For instance, you want a service to be widely used in the corporation, a ‘meaningless’ measurement can be ‘how many times it is used’. The problem of such kind of measurement is it does not mention it helps someone at all and how. A ‘meaningful’ measurement will mention custom satisfaction improvement, the revenue gain, the efficiency gain etc at least.

Set threshold

The world is so complex that most of us are not that smart can foresee everything. Don’t be too confident about your changes.

A smart way is to set a reasonable threshold which is linked to your meaningful measurement with a reasonable timeline.

If the threshold is reached, then it is time to review your changes. It can be a signal your previous assumption on your changes is incorrect, maybe it is good idea to stop the changes or do it in different way.

Written by Binwei@Shanghai


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